Japanese Text Processing

662 programs that let you view, edit, and output Japanese text.

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January 1996 $39.95
The Japanese Text Processing Archive

Additional Information:

This CDROM contains over 593 MB of files to let you view, edit and output Japanese text.

You will find a wide variety of useful programs such as:

  • Word and Text processors
  • Input systems
  • Japanese language learning aids
  • Games
  • GNU utilities
  • Dictionaries and vocabulary lists

All of these are for MSDOS, MS Windows and Unix systems.

This CDROM also contains 118 Ukiyo-e "Floating World" images from the 18th and 19th century Japan, 11 high resolution images of Japan by David Leong, 860 reports on Japanese computing by Dr. Kahaner; "Translation as a Profession", an article by Roger Criss and Ken Lunde's online companion to "Understanding Japanese Information Processing".